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弦歌八十载 奋进新时代 校庆系列学术讲座——量子论坛第八十六讲

作者:时间:2018-06-27 07:24浏览次数:

报告题目:Spatially covariant gravity and the unifying framework for scalar-tensor theories

报告人:高显 中山大学物理与天文学院,教授,博士生导师,青年千人

报告时间:2018年6月22日(星期二)上午 9:30



Covariant scalartensor theories of gravity can be reformulated as spatially covariant gravity (SCG) theories in the unitary gauge, where the basic buildingblocks are the spatial metric, the lapse function and the shift vector. Based on the Hamiltonian analysis, we construct a general framework for SCG theories, which propagate two tensor- and one scalar type physical degrees of freedom, and thus are free of Ostrogradsky ghost instability. Virtually all the existing single-field scalar-tensor theories get unified within our framework. Moreover, our framework substantially extends the scope of scalar-tensor theories beyond the Galileon/Horndeski.

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